

You are capable of doing you didn't think of before



Remember Always….

Whenever we plan to accomplish something, it’s all just a game of mind to control the body to carry out the dream.We never have enough time to read the success stories. We want everything done in one time that is of course impossible. As a result, we feel endlessly conflicted.  To avoid it, Prioritize the goals and set first one we’re capable of doing right now. Make a plan and start implementing but what for hurdles? Don’t worry… Remember some points to enjoy an ultimate success.

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You are YOU

If someone supports us, that’s a great motivation. We feel blessed with supportive people but what if no one here for us? To listen us? Just make fun of us or our ideas, our plans?Isn’t it feeling really bad all the time. We can loose our motivation even quit following our dreams.

We are no less than Bill Gates or Steve jobs. They are also human like us then why we’re 100 steps back from them? the answer is “They didn’t wait for motivation because they had self confidence”.

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I believe my dreams are real…


It’s been 9 years since I started believing my dreams. At starting, I had been mentally disturbed all the time. Just remembering what I saw in my dream. I was raising some questions in my mind like;  Why I had that dream? Who was that guy? Where was I? What was he/she trying to say? Oh! That was causing high depression.

Continue reading “I believe my dreams are real…”

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